Cody Jones, USMC
2023 Recipient
Cody was born and raised in Texas and currently resides with his family in Florida.
Cody enliste in the Marine Corps directly out of high school and left for boot camp four days after graduation.
He spent 2 years in Security Forces and 12 months 2/7 out of 29 Palms, CA.
On December 16, 2012 while on patrol in Helmand Province Afghanistan a 110lb IED went off underneath his vehicle. After being injured he returned to San Antonio for treatment. Shortly after that his wife gave birth to their first son who passed away from SIDS six weeks later.
Cody's injuries include a left below the knee amputaion and a right mid-foot amputation.
Cody has always had the desire to ride motorcycles since he was 16 but with joining the Corps right out of high school he wasn't able to realize that dream. After his injury it was something he thought would not be possible until he heard about Combat Hero Bike Build.
"Receiving this gift would give me the ability to get out and ride and once my wife gets her license and bike it would allow us to go ride together".